Evrything we say has a veracity only in terms of frame of reference, which also decides the depth of our words in terms of correctness. When we say that our country is doing great in terms of growth,poverty alleviation and other parameters than it also should depend on what we are comparing it with.The point i am trying to make is we indians are so much trapped in fairy tale solutions that we forget what exactly is our HQ ( Happiness Quotient). When our PM says that we are experiencing a very good GDP growth rate of 8% we forget our frame of refernce , which should be china ,instead we take it with rest of the devloping world Why are we satisfied with this growth of 8% when we have the potential of growing at least 14% if all our resources are unlocked in a efficient mannner. Actually historic prevelence like being self satisfied which is deeply inrooted in our culture has also something to do with it.But fact of the matter is we need exponential growth if we want to feed our hungry population.
This is another interesting example of our dogmatic point of view in almost everything which is simply presented to us.I was talking to one of my freind about the profitablity of government run companies(PSU) like Indian Railways, BHEL, and other companies .He told me its whopping 55,000 Crores and we as a nation should be proud of it. Now what he forgot to tell me was that in last 50 years Billion of dolloars was taken as loan from world bank(25 % of our budget stil goes for the interest payments and installments of these previous loans) and other foreign agencies to provide capital to these sickening PSU and they had all the support of government,absolute monopoly in the market( no competetiors is allowed in railways unlike 10 privare mobile players in a single circle apart from the government ones) and uninterrupted supply of natural resources(ONGC and other Oil companies gets crude oil free of cost when found by the government of india) but still the return given by these companies is nothing compare to the investments occured in it. So our frame of refernce should be those companies which are making much more profite inspite of the absence of above said things.
Our frame of refernce in terms of corruption is also astonishing.When mayawati is asked why she is building expensive statues by using taxpayers money ,she simply says that congress governments have used 100 times more fund than her short tenure to promote members of their party ,latest example is calling Bandra waorli sea link as rajiv gandhi bridge which is outrageous .So if we take congrees as frame of reference for mayawati she is fairly placed to be called honest because the point raised by her is true. We can see daily in our news papers everyhing being named after Nehru -Gandhi Family as if we are living in their kingdom. Rajiv Gandhi doesnt deserve to be called so great , he has done nothing extraordinary for our country .His legacy is remembered by Bofor's and IPKF( indian peace keeping force) failures.So why are we so obssessed with such people,don't our farmers,scientist and soldiers deserve much better place than politicians in naming project,parks, statues and monuments after them?? The answer is plain no,because we always get what we deserve , and we indians are ourselves so corrupt(World bank,WTO and amnesty international ranks india after many poor african countries in terms of corruption index) ,immoral and narrowminded that we deserve such politicians above us .Their mesaage is clear, you have committed a sin by selecting them even after their misrule in last 5 years,now they will show you the shameless misuse of public fund
Even in the field of sports we have a predefined frame of reference.We never want to be a number one in cricket,we are always satisfied by beating pakistan (Even if we lose to scotland it doesn't matter than).Its our target to get 4 gold medals in London olympics (Indian Olympic committee) because our frame of refernce is to be in top 20 rank .Why cant we just decide a rational method of getting number of medals which should be our ratio of population in the world.If we cant excel at least we can try to be an average player,but no we have already decided that being mediocre is fashionable because that is the democratic dividend we must get.It is like a headless chicken running in all direction .
Yesterday i was watching a news article in which our Health minister said that our death ratio is very less compared to western countries in swine flu pandeamic. There can be only two reason for such statements either he was being normally stupid or being dumb of everything .We all know that our helth care system is worst in the world and we wil be maximum hit by the virus if its not taken care of .Our frame of refernce in this case seems to have backfired because comparing with wrong and fictuous data can prove to be fatal.
In our daily life also we casually say that he is very intelligent ( What about Einstein than ,what kind of superlatives we are going to use for him),i have worked very hard in office( what about farmers than who work in sorching heat compared to us sitting in AC comfort and getting many times more pay than a labour or a worker in manufacturing industry).
The most potent criticism of above said things will be that setting high expectation levels doesn't mean you get the results accordingly ,but than i would say having the right frame of reference always helps in deciding and structuring the path because human being is made to conquer all the possible challenges given to him.
This is another interesting example of our dogmatic point of view in almost everything which is simply presented to us.I was talking to one of my freind about the profitablity of government run companies(PSU) like Indian Railways, BHEL, and other companies .He told me its whopping 55,000 Crores and we as a nation should be proud of it. Now what he forgot to tell me was that in last 50 years Billion of dolloars was taken as loan from world bank(25 % of our budget stil goes for the interest payments and installments of these previous loans) and other foreign agencies to provide capital to these sickening PSU and they had all the support of government,absolute monopoly in the market( no competetiors is allowed in railways unlike 10 privare mobile players in a single circle apart from the government ones) and uninterrupted supply of natural resources(ONGC and other Oil companies gets crude oil free of cost when found by the government of india) but still the return given by these companies is nothing compare to the investments occured in it. So our frame of refernce should be those companies which are making much more profite inspite of the absence of above said things.
Our frame of refernce in terms of corruption is also astonishing.When mayawati is asked why she is building expensive statues by using taxpayers money ,she simply says that congress governments have used 100 times more fund than her short tenure to promote members of their party ,latest example is calling Bandra waorli sea link as rajiv gandhi bridge which is outrageous .So if we take congrees as frame of reference for mayawati she is fairly placed to be called honest because the point raised by her is true. We can see daily in our news papers everyhing being named after Nehru -Gandhi Family as if we are living in their kingdom. Rajiv Gandhi doesnt deserve to be called so great , he has done nothing extraordinary for our country .His legacy is remembered by Bofor's and IPKF( indian peace keeping force) failures.So why are we so obssessed with such people,don't our farmers,scientist and soldiers deserve much better place than politicians in naming project,parks, statues and monuments after them?? The answer is plain no,because we always get what we deserve , and we indians are ourselves so corrupt(World bank,WTO and amnesty international ranks india after many poor african countries in terms of corruption index) ,immoral and narrowminded that we deserve such politicians above us .Their mesaage is clear, you have committed a sin by selecting them even after their misrule in last 5 years,now they will show you the shameless misuse of public fund
Even in the field of sports we have a predefined frame of reference.We never want to be a number one in cricket,we are always satisfied by beating pakistan (Even if we lose to scotland it doesn't matter than).Its our target to get 4 gold medals in London olympics (Indian Olympic committee) because our frame of refernce is to be in top 20 rank .Why cant we just decide a rational method of getting number of medals which should be our ratio of population in the world.If we cant excel at least we can try to be an average player,but no we have already decided that being mediocre is fashionable because that is the democratic dividend we must get.It is like a headless chicken running in all direction .
Yesterday i was watching a news article in which our Health minister said that our death ratio is very less compared to western countries in swine flu pandeamic. There can be only two reason for such statements either he was being normally stupid or being dumb of everything .We all know that our helth care system is worst in the world and we wil be maximum hit by the virus if its not taken care of .Our frame of refernce in this case seems to have backfired because comparing with wrong and fictuous data can prove to be fatal.
In our daily life also we casually say that he is very intelligent ( What about Einstein than ,what kind of superlatives we are going to use for him),i have worked very hard in office( what about farmers than who work in sorching heat compared to us sitting in AC comfort and getting many times more pay than a labour or a worker in manufacturing industry).
The most potent criticism of above said things will be that setting high expectation levels doesn't mean you get the results accordingly ,but than i would say having the right frame of reference always helps in deciding and structuring the path because human being is made to conquer all the possible challenges given to him.