“It is by the fortune of God that, in this country, we have three benefits: freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the wisdom never to use either.” Mark Twain
Right from the day i was born i didn't had freedom. I wanted to remain silent for first couple of years of my life but i was told to speak mummy and papa as my first words(ASAP),i dont know what exactly is the problem in indian version of it ( Mataji and Pitaji may be its too long or respect quotient is much higher or may be the former one is cooler) but anyways i was forced into speaking it.When i grew up i was admitted into kindergarten whereas i wanted to be at home . I was told to repect people who are elder to me in spite of knowing fully that all people who are elder to you dont deserve that much respect.My language of communication also changed from hindi to english (I want it to remain Hinglish) basically to cater to the demands of job market, while i always wanted to remain in the ambit of Hindi because i always thought learning a new language will hinder your thought process compared to those who speak in their mother tongue.In my school i was told to attend acedemic classes for 8 hours but i wanted to understand the practical implemention of everything.I have still not understood the use of learning Atomic number of Nitrogen as i think liberal arts subject would have helped me to understand the truth of everything.My flambboyancy was restricted and told to behave in a displined manner which would help my latter life( by ruining my present i was building my future) . People decided engineering as my subject and that too electronics and till date i have not been able to visualize a single electron.I got a job and told to say Sir to my boss otherwise my impression would go wrong ,i still cant understand what kind of self impression we want to create of ourselves in front of everybody. Our himalayan hypocrisy is increasing day by day in every field and which is ultimately leading to curbing of free thought process in every sphere of our life.
“We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.” Betrand Russel
Society decides for me which movie to see ,which book to read ,which religion to follow ,what kind of work i should do,which girl to marry,what dress i wear (and in what quantity in case of girls),who my freinds should be,which countries are my enemy,which caste i belong to,what should be my eating and drinking habits be,and above all my direction of thinking.
“Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt.”
Are we really an egalitarian society which our constitution aims at??Where is my freedom to think and do what i want to do??Am i slave living in the world of so called policy makers which are elected by me.How can some fundamentalist people decides that women in india cannot go to pubs.How can a so called progressive government of Gujrat ban a book which i want to read.How can a group of shivsainiks attack a movie theatre where i have come to see my favourte movie about whose content maybe they dont agree with.How am i forced to go back from a state by a small group of people ( in spite of constitution permitting freedom of work in any of the states in india) because they in their dreams think they belong to here. What exactly is Freedom to us if nothing is implemented accordingly.Should we consider than India is ruled by the whims and fancies of small powerful groups.Aren't we supposed to be a liberal and pluralistic society ,than how could we ban homosexuality which was til now a crimnal activity in india (Its legalised in 134 countries of the world including African and Arab so called undevloped countries) .We have killled individuality in the name of collective conscience.The roadmap is blurred and confusing.
I feel trapped under the rules of democracy where majority rules.But if majority are fools should we continue being ignorant. Why can't we just accept that majority is never right infact most of the time majority is wrong because the average graph of population shows that people below the average intellect consist of 75 % of population.( Now defination of intellect varies from person to person but i am quoting figures of IQ test conducted by various agencies)
Without Freedom of thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such thing as public Liberty, without Freedom of speech” Benjamin Franklin
Is it coincidental or our destiny that we are the youngest and poorest kind of group in the whole of civilization .This proves that there is something wrong here.And i guess that wrong thing is our tendency to curb everything and put it in dustbin. When freedom of thought is applied in various fields it lets to innovation,creativity,spiritual enlightment,and opens the door of ulimate truth which we all are searching . It makes you do thing which nobody can ever imagine and is the ultimate path to counter every misery . I hereby demand our government and civic society to stop curbing it and do their job instead of interfering in the private lives of comon people.
P.S ----These are my views ,if u dont agree with it than give me your view which counters it or convinces me otherewise accept it with dignity.
Right from the day i was born i didn't had freedom. I wanted to remain silent for first couple of years of my life but i was told to speak mummy and papa as my first words(ASAP),i dont know what exactly is the problem in indian version of it ( Mataji and Pitaji may be its too long or respect quotient is much higher or may be the former one is cooler) but anyways i was forced into speaking it.When i grew up i was admitted into kindergarten whereas i wanted to be at home . I was told to repect people who are elder to me in spite of knowing fully that all people who are elder to you dont deserve that much respect.My language of communication also changed from hindi to english (I want it to remain Hinglish) basically to cater to the demands of job market, while i always wanted to remain in the ambit of Hindi because i always thought learning a new language will hinder your thought process compared to those who speak in their mother tongue.In my school i was told to attend acedemic classes for 8 hours but i wanted to understand the practical implemention of everything.I have still not understood the use of learning Atomic number of Nitrogen as i think liberal arts subject would have helped me to understand the truth of everything.My flambboyancy was restricted and told to behave in a displined manner which would help my latter life( by ruining my present i was building my future) . People decided engineering as my subject and that too electronics and till date i have not been able to visualize a single electron.I got a job and told to say Sir to my boss otherwise my impression would go wrong ,i still cant understand what kind of self impression we want to create of ourselves in front of everybody. Our himalayan hypocrisy is increasing day by day in every field and which is ultimately leading to curbing of free thought process in every sphere of our life.
“We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.” Betrand Russel
Society decides for me which movie to see ,which book to read ,which religion to follow ,what kind of work i should do,which girl to marry,what dress i wear (and in what quantity in case of girls),who my freinds should be,which countries are my enemy,which caste i belong to,what should be my eating and drinking habits be,and above all my direction of thinking.
“Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt.”
Are we really an egalitarian society which our constitution aims at??Where is my freedom to think and do what i want to do??Am i slave living in the world of so called policy makers which are elected by me.How can some fundamentalist people decides that women in india cannot go to pubs.How can a so called progressive government of Gujrat ban a book which i want to read.How can a group of shivsainiks attack a movie theatre where i have come to see my favourte movie about whose content maybe they dont agree with.How am i forced to go back from a state by a small group of people ( in spite of constitution permitting freedom of work in any of the states in india) because they in their dreams think they belong to here. What exactly is Freedom to us if nothing is implemented accordingly.Should we consider than India is ruled by the whims and fancies of small powerful groups.Aren't we supposed to be a liberal and pluralistic society ,than how could we ban homosexuality which was til now a crimnal activity in india (Its legalised in 134 countries of the world including African and Arab so called undevloped countries) .We have killled individuality in the name of collective conscience.The roadmap is blurred and confusing.
I feel trapped under the rules of democracy where majority rules.But if majority are fools should we continue being ignorant. Why can't we just accept that majority is never right infact most of the time majority is wrong because the average graph of population shows that people below the average intellect consist of 75 % of population.( Now defination of intellect varies from person to person but i am quoting figures of IQ test conducted by various agencies)
Without Freedom of thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such thing as public Liberty, without Freedom of speech” Benjamin Franklin
Is it coincidental or our destiny that we are the youngest and poorest kind of group in the whole of civilization .This proves that there is something wrong here.And i guess that wrong thing is our tendency to curb everything and put it in dustbin. When freedom of thought is applied in various fields it lets to innovation,creativity,spiritual enlightment,and opens the door of ulimate truth which we all are searching . It makes you do thing which nobody can ever imagine and is the ultimate path to counter every misery . I hereby demand our government and civic society to stop curbing it and do their job instead of interfering in the private lives of comon people.
P.S ----These are my views ,if u dont agree with it than give me your view which counters it or convinces me otherewise accept it with dignity.
Well said Amresh & i hope P.S. here means Please See not Prashant Sharma ;)
ReplyDeleteim happy for the reason you atleast gave us the Freedom to counter your thoughts, which i think are fair and justified but then to say "either convince me or accept me" somehow matches the theory of "join me or fight me" i believe "convince me or leave it" would have been a better choice for the "Free Indians".
still i completly agree when you pointing out the hypocrytic society we are living in.
Savita Bhabhi is banned because of the "SEXY" Nature of it. Then our Honourable Health minister advices the JUNTA to watch more T.V. in order to curb the increasing population.
How justified it is to see SEX as Taboo when we have a child birth in every second or less. God Knows !!!
Again a good read :) now will end on a lighter vien.
" Why in a country of free speech..i end up with this big phone bills:("
may be my Girl Friend Knows the answer :)
thnks :)
@ Prashant my most trusted commentator....thnx a lot