Friday, October 16, 2009

Dragon Challenge.....

October 2009: China invited strong protest from India after it issued separate visas for Indian Kashmiris.

June 2009: China objected to an ADB loan to Arunachal Pradesh, claiming it's a 'disputed territory' between India and China

February 2008: China again objected to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Arunachal Pradesh the year before that, in May, China denied a travel visa application from an Indian Administrative Service officer in Arunachal Pradesh, saying that since Arunachal is China's territory, the official did not need a visa to visit his own country.

November 2006: China and India had a verbal spat - India accused China of occupying 38,000 square kilometers of its territory in Kashmir. China claimed the whole of Arunachal Pradesh as its own.

September 1999: China objected again when India established a new Indian Army Unit in the Ladakh region

A recent poll by chinese Government says that 96% of chinese feel agitated by indian PM's visit in Arunachal Pradesh

What does the above mentioned incident shows ?? It is clear that when a nation develops
economically the first thing it tries to do is to wrest control the neighboring countries.
In geopolitical term this is called muscle flexing.It is again quite clear that the dragon
challenge will grow leap bound as Chinese economic and military power increases exponentially
compared to Hindu growth rate.And our sleeping people will only wake up when yellow short
people with the most evil government of the world will dance on our head the one which happened in 1962.

So we have to start learning the fact that to survive in this precarious situation
in the subcontinent we need some solid plan.We have our blood enemy Pakistan in the east
,down south there is LTTE ,in nepal there is Maoist insurgency along with permanent disturbances in Bangladesh and Myanmar and there is one common fact with all these countries is that they have a very good infact excellent relation with Chinese and very bad relation with their immediate neighbor, India.Now this should certainly be designed because its not co incident that the only governmet that recognizes Myanmar,s military dictatorship is China,the only governement which provides arms and strtegic knowhow to paistan nepal and Srilanka are Chinese(APart from US).

Now should we be raising panic button to the extent that all diplomatic tie ups be stopped
till Chinese government come to negotiating table....I dont think we need to do that..we can shift entire focus of discussion by internationalizing Tibet issue and also start demanding Aksai -chin
part of J & K which is with China. Or we can give arms and ammunition to the independence
demanding groups within china to bring then to the negotiating table.All these decision making
requires political will power off course.We need aggressive diplomacy which i am reiterating
blogs after blog besause when we appear weak on our face people take us for granted and
all the talk about first becoming economic superpower and then protecting our interest is bullshit,we have umpteen number of example where we can see that india is in general a weak nation in international scene ..much weaker than even Iran ,Israel and some other nation
who are smaller than us in many terms.

The dragon challenge is also important on another level because of the Alice in wonderland thinking of some Chinese think tank who have been planning on the destruction of entire Indian nation state.Several Chinese think tank have proposed to divide India into different states to govern the new world order in which Chinese people have the area till Assam under their control
so that they can remove the human rights of those areas and imply their communist rule.

I am not a war monger at heart ,i want the problems and dispute solved peacefully...there is
also talk of arms lobby of developed worlds adding petrol to the fire but there's certainly
some fire and that's why smoke is coming again and again..but again the
same cliche "For Peace we need war preparations".If insiders and strategic think tank are to
be believed China will most probably attack India with co-operation from Pakistan and
nepal to satisfy its domestic audience and keep them united.People of China hate Indians more
than an any westerners because of our comparative size,markets interest and future superpower status.If we want to avoid 1962 when we were caught unaware by Chinese and were fooled by " Hindi chini Bhai Bhai " slogan we have to become more proactive.China had already captured close to 90000sq km of Indian area including that of Tibet which should be a free nation.Chinese government is the evil most empire in this world because who you can expect to attack their own citizen by tank at Tienanmen or attacking the most peace loving people in the world that is Buddhist monks of Tibet...We should be fully beware of the monster in our east becuse there is a saying in the hindi " Savdhani Hati ,durghatna ghati".

1 comment:

  1. China has never been colonised by anyone. We have been one country, one language and one people for many thousands of years. Our rule extended over Tibet, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and much of your other states. Today, we are a member of the UN Security Council and one of the most important country in the world. We have built one of the strongest economies in the world – our cities like Shanghai, Beijing, etc., rival New York and London. India is an artificial country put together by the British. If not for the British, you could still be ruled by your kings with no roads, education or health system or even a national defence force. You would have never existed as a country. Even today, your borders are not your own but those of British India. Your kings have no historical record of sovereignty over any of the above mentioned states. Soon your artificial country will implode through your own arrogance and intolerance. We can run over your country anytime we choose. So know your positio--------Yong
